ProFire Gas Grill with SearMagic Cooking Grids – 36″




Product Details

With a durable commercial-grade stainless steel construction and removable Sear Magic cooking grids standard, the only thing the ProFire Gas Grill with SearMagic Cooking Grids – 36″ doesn’t come with are the steaks to grill on it!

ProFire grills each come standard with a two layer stainless steel hood which helps prevent heat loss while keeping the outer layer cooler. The PFSM series of grills includes removable Sear Magic cooking grids made of rust-free anodized aluminum designed to heat up faster and allow all food to be cooked at a uniform temperature and take the guess work out of your gas grilling experience!


  • Commercial-grade stainless steel construction
  • Includes removable Sear Magic cooking grids
  • 66,000 BTUs of cooking power
  • 714 sq. in cooking area
  • Choose natural gas or propane

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